
Filtering a list view filemaker pro 16
Filtering a list view filemaker pro 16

filtering a list view filemaker pro 16 filtering a list view filemaker pro 16

However, this would very quickly become so slow as to be unusable. Dynamic Approachįor very small data sets, you could make the path field an unstored calculation and have each record calculate up the path chain dynamically. Also, whenever a record was edited, all descendant records would need to have their sort fields updated.

filtering a list view filemaker pro 16

Each additional field that you wanted users to be able to sort by would need a similar field. For example, if you wanted to sort by name, you’d have to create a sort_name field that contained “Plants Vegetables Roots Carrots”. The most straightforward approach would require creating an index “path” calculation for every field that you might want to sort by. Download the FileMaker Pro hierarchical portal filtering demo file.**This has been tested in FileMaker Pro versions 14-16 This FileMaker Pro hierarchical portal filtering file demonstrates how to provide high-performance sorting of a hierarchical portal by various fields, while maintaining the hierarchy. This is the second of a three-part series on FileMaker Pro hierarchical portal filtering. Hierarchical Portal Filtering within FileMaker Pro By Andy Persons WordPress Repair and Troubleshooting Services.WordPress Maintenance & Support Packages.

Filtering a list view filemaker pro 16